Father, origin and source of all good,
we praise you and thank you
because in the blessed cardinal Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster
you have given us and made known
a gentle and tireless pastor,
“all-prayer” man,
witness to the peace that only you can give.
Lord Jesus, Son of God,
you have been for the cardinal Schuster model of life:
for your love he was a passionate servant of all,
consuming every day of its existence
because everyone could find you,
Lord of life, peace and joy.
His example stimulates us
and his prayer accompany us,
because we also give life
at the service of every human being.
Spirit of love, that makes us saints,
grant us to collect
his constant invitation to holiness.
Make us capable, as he was,
to love the poor, the forgotten, the persecuted;
give us the strength to dialogue with everyone,
with the confidence to discover in every heart
the seed of every human being.