Exercises 2015
Casa Incontri Cristiani – Capiago
from 28 June to 5 July 2015
Guide Father Giancarlo Bagatti s.j.
Theme: Spiritual exercises aimed at rediscovering the journey of faith, for the new evangelization: mission that we are called to live as witnesses in the joy and uncontrollable enthusiasm, lit in our soul by the encounter with the risen Lord, foundation and source of apostolic faith.
Don Guanella House – Barza d’Ispra
from 9 to 16 August 2015
Guide Padre Florio Quercia s.j.
Theme: Here I am with you everntil the end of the world. (Mt 28.20)
Casa Incontri Cristiani – Capiago
from 1 to 4 September 2015 (reserved for those with difficulties due to age or health)
Guide Father Giorgio Nardone s.j.
Theme: Great things in the humble things of life.