Christ Priest,
You are, in your priesthood, the new covenant,
definitive alliance between God and humanity.
With this covenant, make us close to Father,
opening everyone’s access to his paternal goodness,
and make us close to all the brothers and sisters,
in a communion of love.
We ask you to introduce us deeply into this alliance
to find the abundance of your life
and the infinite riches of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Make us dip into the mystery of your heart,
of his total consecration to the Father
and of his integral dedication
to the good and salvation of all men.
Let us participate, with all our being,
to the momentum of your priestly goodness
and make us grow in us, inspired by this goodness, trust and hope.
(P. J. Galot S. J. in occasione del Convegno 1999)